Acupuncture Without Needles
The name "Stiper" translates to Permanent Stimulation.
A stiper is a small spongy, crystallized silicon disc (s102) crystallized quartz, which is used to balance the body through the transmission of its vibration charge. The Stiper is completely neutral due to the exhaustive physical and environmental conditions taken into account during the crystallization Process.
No, it is not required to have previous knowledge, anyone can use the Stiper Quartz.
The Stiper is applied externally, Auricular, Muscular pain points, painful areas and on Acupuncture points.
NO, the Stiper quartz can solely be used one time. The Stiper quartz becomes contaminated with the persons negative energy once it's used.
Every disease, illness or emotion has a negative energy charge and if you re- use the Stiper that has absorbed the negative energy from the body, therefore if you re-use a discharged Stiper, the Stiper will not work effectively as it did previously.
You should consult your physician, generally speaking it is considered to be safe however this form of treatment should be provided by qualified experienced Acupuncturist that have experience in providing this form of treatment to expecting mothers. Do not treat yourself if you are an expecting mother by your self. There are several acupuncture points that should be avoided during pregnancy.
For pain treatment, it is recommended to wear the Stiper Quartz until the symptoms subsides and or disappears.
Generally speaking a Stiper Quartz can be attached to the body with adhesive micropore tape anywhere from 1 to 6 days depending on the intensity of the pain, we believe that by changing the Stiper every two days you can obtain the best results.
After the Stiper Quartz has been worn for a few days and or after the Stiper Quartz becomes contaminated with the negative energy associated to illnesses, stress, emotional load and or the pain of the person, the Stiper Quartz will begin to tickle the immediate area where it is located. This is a sign that the Stiper Quartz should be removed.
No, it is not necessary to remove them when you take a shower. We recommend that you cover the area so that the tape does not loose its adhesiveness if possible and or take a bath with moist towels around the Stiper Quartz for longer lasting adhesiveness.
We do not recomend applying the Stiper Quartz internally.