Acupuncture Without Needles
Your Holistic Medicine Online Resource Center. Our founder. Niurka V Alvarado (“Nikki”), has over 27 combined years of experience in Reiki Healing, Acupuncture Medicine/Oriental Medicine and Health and Radiology Sciences. She has a Double Bachelors Degree in Health and Radiology Sciences as well as a Masters Degree in Acupuncture/Oriental Medicine and is Stiper theraphy certified.
She has dedicated many years of her life to researching Homeopathic and Holistic methods to treat illnesses. Throughout this journey, she discovered the incredible beneficial attributes that the crystal quartz present in therapeutic methods of Holistic medicine treatments.
We would like to take this opportunity to share our appreciation with two very special ladies that have made a world of difference for us on the path to become distributors of "Stipers", this would not have been possible without them. "Selena Lovett and Brenda Mc Knaulty have been incredibly insightful and instrumental . Without their expertise and guidance, I would not have been able to ascertain all of the knowledge and resources necessary to bring Stiper Therapy to you". Many thanks to Dr. Pedro Plaja and Dr. Milagros Urea Saucedo ( Acupuncturist Doctors) for giving us the opportunity to distribute their product "Stiper" ( Crystallized Silicon dioxide "Sio2", natural quartz crystal) and holistic method of treatment.
After experimenting and analyzing the results she obtained from treating several clients with "Stiper Therapy" she is overwhelmingly convinced of the positive results that can be obtained through this method of holistic treatment. "We are truly both impressed and convinced of the benefits that the crystal quartz delivers as utilized through Stiper Therapy. It's healing energetic effects as a non-invasive therapy, can be utilized with different types of Holistic therapies such as; Reflexology, Massage, Homeopath, Bach Flower Essences, Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Reiki etc ... More specifically utilizing Stiper Therapy in replacement of Acupuncture (Stipers are placed on the acupuncture points substituting the needles). Stiper Therapy presents a therapeutic possibility that did not exist before and as they say; it certainly overcomes the disadvantages of traditional acupuncture presenting no side effects. This method of treatment can be utilized on anyone."
NVA Natural, Inc's proposes to bring awareness to the Homeopathic and Holistic community in addition to expanding the availability of this form of therapy as an alternative therapeutic method of acupuncture without needles. Its properties, procedure and especially its benefits for the welfare of physical, emotional, mental, spiritual disorders are un disputable.
Stiper Therapy is unknown to most of the western civilization in exception of Spanish speaking countries where it has been used successfully for many years. We encourage training professionals to utilize this form of therapy with their clients that are phobic and or resistant to the use of needles as a form of treatment. The certified online Stiper Therapy course teaching acupuncture protocols and products is available at the following link for your review and further consideration.
Stiper Therapy is easy to learn as you follow acupuncture formulas taught online The Stipers are small crystallized silicon discs that are used to heal the body through the transmission of their vibrational and are bio-resonators of qi. Therefore they balance and restore energy quickly and effectively. You notice the difference immediately. Stipers harmonize so therefore they can treat all kinds of physical and emotional imbalances. Physical pain decreases noticeably and their ongoing action can completely cure the pain. Emotional issues respond quickly to this therapy as well.