Acupuncture Without Needles
Shown over a 6 part video course, that shows all aspects of learning the therapy, there are course notes and point charts included. On completion of the exam a certificate is then issued to the student. Online support is given throughout the course and after certification as well.
This Course introduces you to Reflex Zones, Acupuncture Points, Painful Points (As-Shi) Chakras. You will also learn Key Auricular Therapy Points.
You will learn to treat immediately conditions such as; Back, Neck and Knee pain, Joint & Muscle pain, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue. How to treat Obesity and water retention, eating disorders, stress, anxiety, insomnia, depression, worry, hot sweats and menstrual problems, asthma, vertigo, migraines, cellulitis. This course also includes Auricular Therapy points for weight loss, stopping smoking/addictions and stress.
STIPER Therapy can be applied as a single therapy or as a supportive therapy for Reflexology, Massage, Homeopathy, Bach Flower Essences, Osteopathy, Acupuncture etc...
You utilize STIPERS on the Acupuncture point(s) to balance energy as you would with needles in an acupuncture treatment. The main difference between STIPERS and needles are that the STIPERS act in an intelligent way, dispersing or toning up when its necessary. Another advantage is that the field of action of STIPER is bigger, around 5cm, while needles is 2mm. Therefore exact precision on locating the acupuncture point is not so important as when using a needle.
STIPERS can be applied to painful points or areas as well as in an intuitive way, so when applied to a painful area it will work on 2 levels, physical and energetic.
Physical action: giving more blood, oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, if the area is better oxygenated and nourished, it will be regenerated and therefore it confers an anti-inflammatory action.
Energetic action: The use of quartz and silicon properties are well known to regulate and balance unbalanced energetic areas.
Six part video course.
A unique course that shows you how to use STIPER's alone or to compliment any therapy such as: Reflexology, Reiki & Acupuncture points following the protocols taught through our online course. Learn all of the advantages of Stiper Therapy.