Acupuncture Without Needles
FOR PHYSICAL PAIN: Gives immediate relief to lumbago, tendinitis, muscle, bone and joint pains.
REFLEX ZONES: On the hands, feet and face.
ACUPUNCTURE POINTS: It is not necessary to put the STIPER on the exact point as it is when using needles. The STIPER will work on the point that is located the closest to CHAKRAS. Place it on one or several Chakras to balance them.
SPORT INJURIES: Very useful in prevention and treatment.
SKIN & BEAUTY TREATMENT: Great success in wrinkles, spots, pimples, black heads, boils and inflammations.
EMOTIONAL HEALING: Anxiety, depression and stress etc....
ACTIVATE: The blood circulation and the Lymphatic system.
Circulatory problems
Gynecological problems such as:
Premenstrual syndrome
Depending on the treatment that you want to provide, place the selected Stiper on the corresponding acupuncture points or Ashi points of interest. To attach the Stipers, utilize micropore adhesive tape cut into squares of 2.5 X 3.0 CM . There are two methods to apply the Stiper.
1. Standard Stimulation; similar to the application of Acupucture needles, place the Stiper on the selected Acupuncture point(s) and reflex zones such as face, hands, feet and Chakras for 30-45 minutes.
2. Permanent Stimulation; You can leave the Stiper on the affected area for 1 to 6 days depending on the condition being treated and the skin type. For Articular pain leave the Stiper 2 to 6 days. For emotional problems such as anxiety and stress, replace daily for up to 3 days. This varies depending on the level of condition, not all person react the same to this treatment. Utilize the improvement of the persons condition as a guide for you to determine length of the treatment and the frequency you change the Stiper.
In STIPER therapy acupuncture protocols and Auricular Therapy point are used however we have replaced the needles with the STIPER or you can use both. STIPER continuously stimulates and balances the treatment point which improves the rate of healing. used with the therapist intention this helps program the clients body to be in a state of balance and healing. During the treatment you also advise your client to meditate on the point of STIPER and encourage self healing.
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